Thursday, May 10, 2007

Welcome to The APL Employees Blog!

Hey Everyone!

Welcome to AFSCME local 3933 online, such as it is.

I hope that with this blog, we'll all be able to communicate better within the union. Being scattered over 7 locations, we don't all often get to see each other and discuss our experiences of working at APL. I'd like to see that change and I'd like that change to start here. In the future, I'd like this blog to be a project we can all contribute to, instead of having it maintained solely by the union leadership. I'm not so tech-savvy, so perhaps we could have a few volunteers to maintain this site?

The first several posts that you'll see here will be the responses we've gotten to a questionnaire we sent out to the 17 candidates for the 4 trustee seats up for grabs next Tuesday.

Hope all's well. Please don't hesitate to post comments here giving your impression of the blog and of the union overall.

Joe Burke

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for setting this up. Although I don't live in Albany and won't be voting on the 15th, I thought it was great to be able to read the candidates responses to the questions.